10-9-12 Rubber Stamp

by | Oct 9, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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PO Box 2276, Lynnwood, Washington  98036-2276
Telephone 425-771-1110, Fax 425-776-8081

October 9, 2012


Snohomish Health District Board Members
3020 Rucker Street, Suite 306
Everett, WA 98201-3971

Dear Public Servants:

The Program and Policy Committee met on August 23, 2012, and considered an abbreviated statement from Dr. Mark Goldbaum’s supporting drinking water fluoridation.

The agenda for the August 23 meeting, a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation of Dr. Goldbaum, and an audio recording of the meeting can be reviewed at this link:


The Program and Policy Committee failed to give notice to any of the members of Everett Safe Water, despite the fact that they asked to be notified at the previous Board meeting. For that reason, the hearing was one-sided. The Committee only heard from Dr. Goldbaum.

Everett Safe Water has requested a written response from Dr. Goldbaum. See:


Dr. Goldbaum has not responded in writing. Nor has he addressed the Snohomish Health District as a whole to answer the facts we presented.

The Committee failed to take into account or even mention the numerous documents from peer reviewed journals and from the CDC which Everett Safe Water presented, including the following:




Dr. Goldbaum said that fluoridation was illegal, however, he did not respond to my detailed explanation regarding the many laws being broken, including the fact that fluoridation in Washington is allowed only with fluoridation materials which “comply” with the NSF 60 rule. The materials do not comply because the toxicological studies required by NSF 60 are not being done. See:


Dr. Goldbaum ignored the information we presented regarding lowered IQ resulting from consuming fluoride. See:


Dr. Goldbaum presented a graph which admits that fluorosis increases as fluoridation levels increase. See the chart at:


Dr. Goldbaum ignores the fact that babies drink four times as much water as adults per body weight while diabetics can drink ten times as much. Athletes and those who work out in the hot sun also drink a disproportionate amount of water. High water consumption would put these individuals off on the right side of the chart.

Dr. Goldbaum cites the CDC as authority for fluoridation but fails to point out that the CDC admits that 41% of children have some degree of fluorosis while 12.2% have mild to moderate to severe fluorosis. Even mild fluorosis is ugly and embarrassing.


Dr. Goldbaum effect on fetuses and infants and the impact on thyroid. See Professor Susheela’s article:


Dr. Goldbaum continues to assert that each dollar spent on fluoridation saves $38.

This is a reference to Griffin’s Economic Evaluation of Fluoridation, which comes to such conclusions only by starting with the false assumptions that fluoridation (1) causes no collateral damage anyone drinking fluoridated water and (2) that there is a savings of $18 per hour in wages not lost by missing work to visit a dentist. See:


However, Fluoride does cause harm, and the calculation presumes that even children and the unemployed save $18 per hour by not missing work. In her Tale of Two Studies, Carol Clinch shows this to be a contrived estimate based on incorrect assumptions. See:


Dr. Goldbaum’s Powerpoint document contained no links that worked. It did refer to studies from 1990 and 1992:

Newbrun E. Current regulations and recommendations concerning water fluoridation, fluoride supplements, and topical fluoride agents. J Dent Res. 1992 May, 71(5):1255-65

Brunelle JA, Carlos JP Recent Trends in Dental Caries in U.S. Children and the Effect of Water Fluoridation Journal of Dental Research. 1990 Feb; 69 (Special Issue); 723-727.

These studies can be found at:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1607443 and


The first study shifted the blame for fluorosis away from drinking water fluoridation to dental topical application. The second study showed an 8 – 25% decrease in caries in fluoridated areas. He said nothing about how non-fluoridated continental Europe has had the same drop in caries as the United States. See:


Dr. Goldbaum said nothing about other means of reducing tooth decay such as reducing candy and cola consumption or eating xylitol instead of sugar.

In summary, it is clear that the Health District cannot rely on the testimony of Dr. Goldbaum and should consult with trained scientists.


Everett Safe Water demands that Dr. Goldbaum come out of hiding and respond at that meeting regarding the issues which Everett Safe Water is raising. If Dr. Goldbaum fails to respond orally to the facts raised by Everett Safe Water, it should be presumed that he is conceding that he is wrong and that Everett Safe Water is right: It is not safe, not effective, and not legal to add lead, arsenic, hydrogen fluoride, and fluorosilicic acid to our drinking water.

For ease of following links, this document may be read at:



James Robert Deal, Attorney
Informal Coordinator of Everett Safe Water
WSBA Number 8103



  1. WASHINGTON ACTION FOR SAFE WATER » Contribute to Fluoride Action Network - [...] necessary to sue. Accurate scientific, medical, and legal information should be enough to convince city councils and water districts…
  2. FLUORIDE CLASS ACTION » Contribute to Fluoride Action Network - [...] 10-9-12 Rubber Stamp [...]
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  6. FLUORIDE CLASS ACTION » Snohomish Health District Ignores Evidence – Reendorses Fluoridation - [...] 10-9-12 Rubber Stamp [...]

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