Helping Boulder to Get Rid of Lead, Arsenic, Fluoride
Dear Jorge,
Jorge Zambrano
In your posting to the FluoridePoisoning Yahoo Group, you said:
Hi, me and a couple of friends want to get active with anti-fluoridation efforts in Boulder and your site came up on a web search. Do you know of anyone working on the subject in Boulder? If so, we would like to meet with you and see where they are at, and how we might be of any help.
Andrés Zambrano
I do not know if there is a Boulder organization. The FAN contact is Lisa Brumfeld See
But you do not need anyone else’s approval. Just start your own group and focus on the campus. I find that working with existing groups can slow you down.
There is a lot you can do.
First, I note that there was a referendum in Boulder on fluoridation in 2006. What happened to that? See I assume fluoridation won. Strange for a college town.
Go to my web site and go to press releases.
Start writing letters like these addressed to the city council, county council, county health district, prosecutor, US Attorney.
Just put our content on your letterhead.
Go to council meetings with your VCR and read from your letters. They give each person 3 minutes. If you can get ten people to go they can read in full one of these letters or excerpts from ten different letters.
Hand the council members copies and ask for a written response.
When they don’t respond in writing, write again and point this out. And send a letter to the editor pointing out that the council has no answer to plan science and is trying to duck the issue.
Form a Yahoo group, Facebook page and Twitter page. Form a Boulder Safe Water group. Call, reserve, and tell them to set up a WordPress website for you. They will do it for free.
Post your videos. Go to the local TV or Radio station and get interviewed.
Set up a Great Fluoride Debate on campus. Get the college departments to send faculty members who will form a panel which will ask questions of the pro industry and pro-environment sides in the debate, Chemistry department, political science department, public health department, law school.
I would be willing to visit Boulder and participate in the debate – covering the legal issues. I would recruit others to cover scientific and medical issues.
Ask every candidate for every office what their position is. Publicize their positions. Politicize the issue. Run for office as a safe water Democrat or a Safe Water Republican. When it comes to poison being added to drinking water, Rs and Ds should be united.
Try to recruit an attorney who will work pro bono at this stage. This is very important environmental work. We are trying to get governments to enforce the Safe Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act, which refer to “pristine” waters. It is difficult, however, if you have even one pro-environment person on a council, you can make a lot of progress going down the non-litigation route. Many major cities have stopped and prevented fluoridation including Calgary, Tampa, Santa Fe, and many others.
If reason fails, there will be lawsuits, especially against the chemical companies who sell this toxic waste knowing that it is unapproved and trying to disclaim all liability. Read Litigation is the last resort. It is expensive and slow. But it will pay off for the class action lawyers that take it on. That is part of their motivation for working on this pro bono at this stage.
So, your first step is to set up a Yahoo Group, a Facebook page, and a Twitter page, WordPress site.
This would be a great independent study project that could be done for credit.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Famous saying from James Robert Deal: “They have all the money, but we have all the good ideas. If we persist, we will win, guaranteed.”
I will post this on FluoridePoisoning and There are a lot of people who would help you. If you have questions post them to: To post:;
Okay to call.
James Robert Deal , Attorney
PO Box 2276 Lynnwood WA 98036
Telephone: 425-771-1110
Fax: 425-776-8081