THE EVIL POWER OF THE DENTAL LOBBY An East Bay Child’s Death and the Power of the Dental Lobby After their 6-year-old...
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Dr Maxey To Fellow Dentists
8-16-14 Dear Dr. Maxey, Thank you for sending us your open letter to dentists about the silicofluoridation of our...
Dr Maxey to Other Dentists
8-16-14 Dear Dr. Maxey, Thank you for sending this letter. I like your argument that we are not talking about...
Most Dentists Have Not Studied Fluoridation
State dental leaders met in South Carolina in 1951. The transcript of the meeting is on file at the Library of...
Dr. Percival
John Percival DDS MSc. DiHom. 2010/10/27 at 1:25 pm Dear Mr. Deal, I am an...