May 23, 2013 at 6:03 AM Fluoridated water From Ben Collet The real impacts of fluoride The story about Portland’s vote...

Shallow NY Times Coverage
Portland Rejects Fluoridation—Again By FRANCIS X. CLINES Thanks to New York Times Thomas Patterson for The New York...
Oregon Covers Up Evidence
Dentists and Doctors Say No On Fluoridation In Portland
International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine Dentists and Physicians Urge You to Vote NO on Water...
Sauerheber to Portland Mayor Adams
Dr. Richard Sauerheber Palomar College, 1140 Mission Rd., San Marcos, CA To Sam Adams, Portland Mayor ...
Connett Debate in Portland – 9-10-12
Radio Debate - Paul Connett vs. Kylie Menagh-Johnson - 9-10-12 Program: Healthwatch Air date: Mon, 09/10/2012 -...
Rick North Leads the Charge in Portland
The Battle over Portland’s Water Author concludes that there’s no consensus that fluoridation is safe for human health...
Portland, Santa Fe, Phoenix
SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO Councilors call for voter referendum on fluoridation Four of the eight members of the...
Columbia River Salmon Crash
9-9-12 Dear Mayor Adams, To salmon, fluoride stinks. In 1982 a salmon collapse occurred on the Columbia, because...