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Fluoride-gate – U.S. Paves Way for Legal Action

Sunday, 16 January 2011, 7:01 pm
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network

Fluoride-gate – U.S. Paves Way for Legal Action in N.Z.

U.S. lawyers are actively compiling a case against the people who are, or who have been, responsible for promoting fluoridation.

According to an explosive article release to the U.S. Press this week[1] “A series of disclosures are surfacing about the actions of water fluoridation promoters that point to a likely tsunami of Fluoridegate investigations, hearings, and explosive courtroom entanglements.”

Tennessee state legislator Frank Niceley states, “There is a real Fluoridegate scandal here. Citizens haven’t been told about harm from fluorides, and this needs to be investigated by the authorities and the media.”

And Washington D.C. toxic-tort attorney Chris Nidel says, “I think when we look back we’ll ask why Fluoridegate didn’t surface earlier. There are serious concerns about possible conflict of interest and heavy editing of information being fed to the public about fluoride risks and impacts.”

In 2006 the American Dental Association and US Public Health Service’s CDC[2] quietly issued a warning not to use fluoridated water for making up baby formula, ignored by the NZ Ministry of Health. In December 2010 the U.S. decided that water with more than 0.7 ppm, the lowest level recommended in NZ, was a health risk to the whole population. Just in the last week the US Environmental Protection Association has moved to ban a fluoride-containing pesticide, because of the added risk of fluoride exposure[3].

“This all shows that current exposure to fluoride is a known health risk” points out Mark Atkin, legal advisor for health group Fluoride Action Network New Zealand (FANNZ).

“Once the U.S. lawyers have compiled the case, it would be easier for lawyers in New Zealand to do the same. There are 26 councils (out of a total of 69) that still continue to fluoridate even though they have been warned of the risks.” according to Mr Atkin.

“Councillors’ excuse that they are following the advice of the Ministry of Health, is no defence. We have provided them with comprehensive scientific information proving there is a risk, refuting Ministry advice. The responsibility of fluoridation rests squarely on each Council.” says Mr Atkin.

Adds Mary Byrne, spokesperson for FANNZ,” Fluoridation is the deliberate addition of a hazardous industrial waste to the public drinking water[4]. This is outrageous and unacceptable, and these people need to be held accountable”.

[1] http://www.infonews.co.nz/news.cfm?id=62733
[2] http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/safety/infant_formula.htm
[3] http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/sulfuryl-fluoride/evaluations.html
[4] http://www.fannz.org.nz/pdfs/Sodium%20fluorosilicate%20ORICA.pdf

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  1. SafeWater | FLUORIDE, LEAD, ARSENIC, AND MORE IN OUR WATER - […] reliable way to remove the tiny fluoride ion. Alveda King, Bernice King, and Andrew Young lead the Fluoride-Gatemovement. They…
  2. WASHINGTON ACTION FOR SAFE WATER » JOIN WASHINGTON ACTION FOR SAFE WATER - […] reliable way to remove the tiny fluoride ion. Alveda King, Bernice King, and Andrew Young lead the Fluoride-Gatemovement. They…
  3. FLUORIDE CLASS ACTION » Wrong Again - [...] the general population due to poor nutrition. Alveda King, Bernice King, and Andrew Young lead the Fluoride-Gate movement. They…
  4. WASHINGTON ACTION FOR SAFE WATER » Washington Environmental Council - [...] the general population due to poor nutrition. Alveda King, Bernice King, and Andrew Young lead the Fluoride-Gate movement. They…
  5. FLUORIDE CLASS ACTION » Occupy Seattle Flier 10-21-11 - [...] and fluoride than the general population. Alveda King, Bernice King, and Andrew Young lead the Fluoride-Gate movement. They see…
  6. WASHINGTON ACTION FOR SAFE WATER » Occupy-Seattle-Flier-10-21-11 - [...] and fluoride than the general population. Alveda King, Bernice King, and Andrew Young lead the Fluoride-Gate movement. They see…

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