Notice of Liability Served on Seattle and Everett
Suit Filed in Federal Court in San Diego
August 20, 2011
Seattle, Everett, Tacoma and other cities use silicofluoride as the fluoridation material they add to their drinking water. Silicofluoride and sodium fluoride are much more toxic than naturally occurring calcium fluoride. Calcium fluoride can be the most pure; sodium fluoride is industrial grade but relatively free of contaminants; silicofluoride is industrial grade toxic waste and highly contaminated with heavy metals.
Silicofluoride contains lead. http://www.nsf.org/business/water_distribution/pdf/NSF_Fact_Sheet.pdf. The EPA maximum contaminant level (MCL) for lead is 15 ppb, and the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) is zero. Lead permeates all cells in the body, reduces IQ, and causes kidney disease and high blood pressure.
In 2004, the Seattle papers reported that lead at up to 1,600 ppb was found in drinking water in old Seattle schools. Silicofluoride, unlike more expensive sodium fluoride, leaches lead out of brass pipes. http://www.fluoridealert.org/sf-masters.htm.
New brass pipes contain around 8% lead and older pipes contain as much as 30% lead. All old schools, old homes, old apartment buildings, old hospitals, old office buildings, and old factories can be expected to contain brass pipes with high lead content, which silicofluoride will leach out. https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/hhs/comments-re-lead.
If water districts stopped fluoridating with silicofluorides, lead levels in water in old buildings would drop dramatically and lead levels in blood would drop dramatically. http://www.fluoridealert.org/sf-masters.htm.
After commissioning some early reports on the subject, Seattle government on all levels has ignored this issue. The lead problem has not been resolved. Reports on the lead problem do not even mention the possibility of a connection between lead levels and fluoridation!
Fluoridation exists within a blindspot. It has become an article of faith. One is told not to try to understand the mystery but to believe in it fervently nevertheless. When it comes to politics, one is saved by faith in fluoride. A politician who opposes fluoridation will have to contend with the wrath and bottomless war chest of the pro-fluoride dental lobby, who probably get their money indirectly from the silicofluoride manufacturers.
Silicofluoride also contains arsenic, a confirmed Type 1, Class A human carcinogen. For arsenic the MCL is 10 ppb and the MCLG is zero. A zero MCLG for lead and arsenic means that there is no level of lead or arsenic which can safely be added to drinking water. http://www.fluoridealert.org/f-arsenic.htm
Silicofluoride has not yet been proven to be a carcinogen, but it is recognized as a poison. As little as seven grams of silicofluoride or sodium fluoride, the weight of seven paper clips, can kill a 70 kg adult. It would take a half pound of calcium fluoride to do the same. The one milligram of silicofluoride per liter which our cities add to drinking water is of course not immediately fatal, however, a healthy adult is only able to excrete half of all fluoride consumed, while the body retains the other half. Fluoride seeks out calcium, and is retained in calcium rich areas of the body. Once in our bones, fluoride can never be removed.
The effect is cumulative. After a decade or less of drinking fluoridated water, our bones can be around 5,000 ppm fluoride, and as a result we feel stiff and lethargic. In our 50s and 60s, bone and other tissues can be up to 12,000 ppm fluoride, depending on water hardness and one’s diet, making bones brittle. Fractured pelvises are twice as common in fluoridated areas. One who drinks fluoridated water all his life will be less healthy as he ages and may have a shorter life span.
Silicofluoride affects bones, joints, and tendons and exacerbates arthritic symptoms. Silicofluoride is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and a general enzyme inhibitor. It denatures proteins. It slowly but surely attacks the thyroid, pituitary, pineal, and other glands. Fluoride builds up in the kidneys and prevents them from functioning normally and hastens death by kidney failure. Those on kidney dialysis may find that their kidneys would heal if they would stop drinking fluoridated water. http://fluoridedetective.com/2011/02/07/kidney-patients-beware
Silicofluoride breaks down in such a way that the fluoride ion binds with aluminum. Aluminum fluoride passes the blood-brain barrier, delivering aluminum into the brain, which is believed to cause or worsen Alzheimer’s disease.
Blacks, Hispanics, and the poor in general are more sensitive to lead, arsenic, and silicofluoride than the general population. Alveda King, Bernice King, Andrew Young see fluoridation as a new civil rights issue. https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/alveda-king-andrew-young-against-fluoride.
Babies are most sensitive because their cells are still dividing, because they are growing fast, and because they drink so much fluids relative to their body weight. CDC, ADA, AMA, the surgeon general, and others have advised that formula not be mixed using fluoridated water. But the poor are unable to buy and haul fluoride-free water home or filter it out. Only an expensive filter or distiller can remove the tiny fluoride ion. This is an admission that the poor a definitely being harmed, poor babies in particular.
Athletes, hard laborers, and those with diabetes and kidney disease are highly vulnerable because they drink up to ten times as much water as typical people. The dose cannot be controlled.
In all of Western Washington, we are especially susceptible to the slow but certain ravages of fluoride because our snow melt water is exceptionally soft and contains little calcium, which would bind with and tie up fluoride.
The silicofluoride used is the unfiltered and unprocessed scrubber liquor from the smoke stacks of phosphate fertilizer plants in Florida, Louisiana, Mexico, and China. It contains trace amounts of nearly every element on the periodic table. http://www.purewatergazette.net/fluorideandphosphate.htm. It is not pharmaceutical grade. Silicofluoride has never been approved by the FDA, EPA, or any other federal or state agency for consumption in public drinking water. Fluorides have been approved for topical use, as in toothpaste, but the fluoride is to be spat out. If it is swallowed, one is to call poison control.
Silicofluoride is only approved by NSF, the National Sanitation Foundation, a chemical company trade organization which operates as a sham FDA. https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/sham.
One small Office of Drinking Water within the CDC pushes fluoridation, but the CDC has no authority whatsoever to approve or disapprove fluoridation. The CDC, EPA, and the surgeon general all endorse fluoridation. The CDC claims it is one of the ten greatest health achievements of the 20th Century. However, endorsements do not prove anything. One must look at the science. Following release of the 2006 National Research Council Report on Fluoridation, it is clear that fluoridation is instead one of the ten greatest frauds of the 20th Century. http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11571
Cities buy silicofluoride scrubber liquor by the tanker truck load and dribble it into our water. Fluoridation is an expensive. Silicofluoride corrodes equipment and shortens its useful life. Hazmat suits must be worn to handle silicofluoride. When the liquid is spilled on concrete, it burns a hole through it, as it will do to steel and glass. In this era of declining tax revenues and budget cuts it is hard to justify adding dilute toxic waste to drinking water. For every ton of silicofluoride added to water, one must add a half ton of sodium hydroxide. That’s right, we are adding Draino® to our drinking water.
Silicofluoride is not a mere additive such as chlorine, which is added to kill bacteria. Chlorine evaporates out of water overnight if left in an open pitcher. Silicofluoride is intended as medication and delivered without prescription, without inquiry into preexisting conditions and contraindications or conflicts with other drugs being taken, without informed consent, and with no control over dose or duration of use.
Silicofluoride is added allegedly to reduce tooth decay, however, documents posted on the CDC website claim only a 17-25% reduction in tooth decay. Other credible studies show no reduction. Tooth decay has dropped just as much in non-fluoridated Europe as in fluoridated United States, so fluoridation cannot be the causal factor.
Documents posted on the CDC website admit that the effect of fluoride on teeth is topical and not systemic, but strangely, CDC still endorses drinking fluoride. Documents on the CDC website admit that 41% of children 12 – 15 years old have at least mild fluorosis (white spots), while 8.6% suffer from moderate fluorosis (brown spots), and 3.6% suffer from severe fluorosis (brown spots and pitting). Fluorosis can be ugly. Fluorosis should not be forced on people just so tooth decay can allegedly be reduced and only slightly. The way to cut tooth decay is to quit eating junk food and drinking pop.
Seattle and Everett have been served Notice of Potential Liability in connection with the lead, arsenic, and silicofluoride which they add to drinking water. Cities should consult with their insurance carriers to confirm they will be covered when the class action and mass toxic tort actions come. Cities can reduce their liability by instituting an immediate one-year moratorium on fluoridation, thus showing good faith after all these years of fluoridating unquestioningly and without understanding the science. Failure on the part of these cities to look at the science regarding fluoridation will constitute reckless indifference to the harms caused and expose them to liability.
About Fluoride Class Action: Our method is first, to warn cities that the fluoridation suits are coming. We explain how fluoridation does not reduce tooth decay and is therefore a waste of money, and that fluoridation causes harm in many ways and thus that cities can be held liable for large damage awards. Second, we equip citizens with the tools they need to carry on this process, each in their own community – notices of liability, freedom of information FOIA requests, short speeches, and sample lawsuit documents. Third, we encourage groups to recruit attorneys to work on this project. Attorneys have a non-binding duty to do pro bono work, and so attorneys are always looking for interesting and fulfilling pro bono work to do. Attorneys can quickly put the Fluoride Class Action documents on their own letterhead and make a big impact right away. We want local attorneys to warn their cities of potential liability and as well to prepare for suit.
More reading:
Letters to HHS and EPA:
Suit filed in federal court in San Diego: https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/san-diego-suit
Tetraethyl lead, foisted on America by the same Kettering Institute which conned America into fluoridating. https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/speeches/tetraethyl-lead
NSF – National Sanitation Foundation – a chemical company trade association, funded by EPA to certify silicofluoride to be safe and approved for use, thus operating as a sham FDA. https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/sham
50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation
What you can do:
Make speeches – Visit your city and county council, water district, school district. Make 3-minute speeches during public comment period. Start with our sample speeches. More will be posted soon. https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/speeches. Or just read paragraphs off this flier for three minutes.
Send a fluoride questionnaire to all elected officials. https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/action-plan/questionaire-to-pols
Warn of Liability – Send Notice of Potential Liability to elected councils.
Print more of these fliers. The Word version is at :
James Robert Deal, Attorney, WSBA Number 8103 President, www.Fluoride-Class-Action.com Vice-President, www.WashingtonSafeWater.com Member, www.FluorideDetective.com