Kids With Fluorisis

by | Apr 16, 2012 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

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How Many Kids Age 12 – 15 Have Dental Fluorosis?

In plain numbers how many kids are affected by each degree of fluorosis severety?

These are the raw figures:
40.7% of children 12 – 15 years old have fluorosis, while 8.6% suffer from moderate fluorosis (white spots and some brown spots with up to 50% of enamel impacted), and 3.6% suffer from moderate and severe fluorosis (white spots and brown spots and sometimes pitting and chalky teeth and 100% of enamel impacted).
How many kids are there in each category?
These are my sources for raw data:
US 2010 Census
308,745,538.00 US Population 2010
53,980,105.00 all kids 5-17, a span of 13 years
16,609,263.08 5.3796% ages 12-15, a span of 4 years
4/13 of all kids 5-17
Beltran’s degrees of fluorosis:
6,577,268 2.1303% 39.600% unaffected
3,272,025 1.0598% 19.700% questionable
59.300% no significant fluorosis
4,733,640 1.5332% 28.500% very mild
1,428,397 0.4626% 8.600% mild
597,933 0.1937% 3.600% moderate-severe
6,759,970 40.700% significant fluorosis
Everett Calculations
700,000 population served
14,912 2.1303% 39.600% unaffected
7,419 1.0598% 19.700% questionable
59.300% no significant fluorosis
10,732 1.5332% 28.500% very mild
3,238 0.4626% 8.600% mild
1,356 0.1937% 3.600% moderate and severe
15,327 40.700% significant fluorosis
It is not acceptable to give mild, moderate, or severe fluorosis to 597,933 of our kids nationwide.

It is not acceptable for Everett to give mild, moderate, or severe fluorosis to 15,327 of our kids in the Everett service district.

Pro-fluroidationists write off damage to these kids as acceptable loss in return for a dubious slight reduction in caries.

1 Comment

  1. Doug Cross UKCAF


    For an alternative approach that exposes the CDC calculations as fraud, soo my commentary at

    Whilst my calculations are only approximate – they assume that kids in non-fluoridated water areas don’t get ANY fluorosis, which is not a true approximation – they do show how the CDC data have been massaged to provide an improperly optimistic (?) view of the problem of fluorosis in American teenagers.

    Generalising from data drawn from the entire population is a dangerously deceptive practice. To understand what the data show you must take into account the exactly time when the kids wth fluorosis as teenagers were actually exposed during their most vilnerable period in infancy. This time-lag is critical, since the extent of fluoridation in the USA has not been constant over the relavant period beng examined, nor does it represent the risk to infants NOW. When you ‘correct’ the data used by CDC for the time-frame and prevalence of fluoridation, you get a far more alarming picture than anyone seems to be prepared to admit!


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