Three significant studies—two of which were U.S. government funded (NIH)–have been published today linking fluoride exposure to ADHD, thyroid problems, and showing that pregnant women in “optimally” fluoridated Canada have significantly higher levels of fluoride in their urine than women in non-fluoridated communities.
This third study also showed that pregnant Canadians had fluoride urinary levels similar to those that reduced IQ in offspring from last year’s Bashash et al, 2017 NIH-funded study. These findings suggest that the Bashash results from Mexico City may be applied to Canada, and probably the United States, namely that pre-natal exposure to fluoride has the potential to lower IQ in children. In other words, the claim by the ADA that the 2017 Bashash study was not relevant to the U.S. is more about propaganda than serious scientific analysis.
Here are the three new studies:
Below is an article that appeared this morning in Environmental Health Newsthatwe urge you to read and share. Please also like, comment, and share our FAN Facebook and Twitter posts on the article.
STAY TUNED! We will be providing full coverage and analysis of these three studies over the coming days into next week.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network