Preventing Tooth Decay – Without Fluoride

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By James Robert Deal JD
April 12, 2015

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Fluoride Destroys Enamel – Brush With Soap

Fluoride and fluoridation are not good ways to reduce tooth decay.

I oppose fluoride administered in any form. All forms of fluoride harm the body and should be avoided – fluoride in water, in toothpaste, in varnishes, in gels, in mouth wash.

Consuming fluoride it at low levels in drinking water is dangerous when done for life and at quantities which vary by an order of magnitude. It is especially harmful to the fetus and baby, whose cells are dividing rapidly. Pregnant mothers especially should avoid drinking fluoridated water and using topical fluoride. So-called fluoride contains lead and leaches lead from plumbing.

The levels of fluoride contained in toothpaste and topical dental applications are so high that it is easy to overdose on them. Children lock themselves in the bathroom and eat toothpaste like candy. Teenagers and others, self-conscious about their bad breath, brush compulsively. All the toothpaste you do not pit out and all the gels and varnishes which remain on your teeth are sooner or later swallowed.

Fluoride in any form does little if anything to reduce caries, and it causes harm to the body in many ways.

Upon learning that I oppose fluoride administered in any form, people typically ask me, “Well, if I am not going to drink fluoridated water and use fluoridated toothpaste, what am I going to do to keep caries from multiplying?” I explain that actually there are much more effective means of reducing caries than relying on fluoride.

Focusing on water fluoridation and topical applications of fluoride is a distraction from the many other and better ways to prevent tooth decay. The CDC in its promotion of fluoridation as well as toothpaste companies say little about not eating sugar, cleaning teeth, and other ways of preventing tooth decay.

Fluoridated toothpaste only slightly reduces tooth decay, at the cost of swallowing massive amounts of fluoride. The ADA assures us that fluoridated toothpaste brands are “effective”. The comparison commonly made is between fluoridated toothpaste and non-fluoridated toothpaste. Instead, the comparison should be between fluoridated toothpaste and all the other things we can do to keep our mouths clean and to kill bacteria directly with antiseptics and antibiotics.

When you brush your teeth and tongue and gums with fluoridated toothpaste, fluoride is absorbed into the soft tissues of your mouth. You absorb fluoride through your gums into the inner dentin of your teeth, weakening the dentin and making it chalky from the inside out. To top it all off, whatever fluoride in toothpaste which adheres to our teeth after we “rinse out” is swallowed sooner or later. Dental gels and varnishes also wash off and are swallowed.


There are better ways to fight tooth decay than by drinking fluoride and applying it topically to our teeth: 


  • Don’t eat sugar. If you do eat sugar, brush right away. You can brush with water only or even without water. The use of toothpaste or any dentifrice is optional. It is the brush, floss, Waterpic, and Toothpics that removes food and plaque, not the toothpaste. Brush after eating to deny food to the streptococcus mutans and other decay causing bacteria.




  • Floss daily. I prefer POH brand floss because my teeth are tight fitting, POH easily slide between them and does not get stuck. And it is less likely to pop your crowns off.


  • Use a Waterpic to irrigate between teeth. Hydraulic pressure sometimes removes food debris that otherwise would stay in place and provide food for bacteria.



Lugol’s taken internally in addition to replenishing the thyroid, also brings amazing relief and a calming, soothing, peaceful state to anxiety and a manic stage. It destroys vicious stomach bacteria, (especially salmonella), against gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn. Doomed are harmful bacteria and parasite eggs. It is 100% safe (except if allergic) to take regularly, but only use as needed. Lugol’s iodine is old-fashioned iodine and years ago was used for treating various illnesses. It has a distinctive trait – it hangs up on everything. In the stomach, it attaches to vicious salmonella, bacteria, parasite eggs and they are doomed. The thyroid is the organ most capable of absorbing iodine. Pathogenic microorganisms, the primary cause of disease, are made weaker and most are killed as they pass through the thyroid, provided, it has its normal supply of iodine. Clinical studies show that very few people have enough iodine in their thyroid to function optimally. This deficiency has occurred in the 20th century because of chlorine in drinking water, the alteration of natural food sources and modern farming practices. Aggravating the problem is that the body does not conserve iodine, therefore, we must get a regular supplemental intake to maintain optimal health.


The Thyroid, Iodine and Disease Prevention. The role of the thyroid gland has been understood for some time now. Although conventional medicine places emphasis on its contribution to regulating the body’s metabolism, and equally important role is its contribution to the immunological health and body. You would get 3.125 mg of iodine out of a vertical drop and 6.25 mg out of a horizontal drop. In a 2 oz. bottle you would get roughly 250 drops. The solution will go right to the bloodstream by passing the digestion process also liquid is more controlled and you can get more uses out of it. You can apply it to the skin or take it orally.


The Lugol’s disclosure and instructions for use are as follows:



USED INTERNALLY – For gas, bloating, indigestion, stomach problems, food or salmonella poisoning, use 6 drops in 1/2 glass of water, 2 or 3 times a day, for a few days. Take after meals and at bedtime. For severe cases, it can be increased to 12 drops. You’ll feel results shortly. For anxiety/mood swings, etc., or for a more relaxed and peaceful state, take 6 drops in water once or twice during the day. In general, 6 drops can usually end it all for a mild case of salmonella poisoning. Though very safe, use only when needed. THYROID PROBLEM – Many problems, in general, can be attributed to iodine deficiency. 75 years ago, Lugol’s iodine was commonly used by doctors. 2/3 of a teaspoon (60 drops) was the standard dose for thyroid disease. You can start with 6 to 12 drops a day in water for about one week and you will notice improvement. Then it is advisable to consult with your doctor. IODINE DEFICIENCY – Take about 2, 3 or 4 drops in water daily for about a month. Can be increased to 6 drops daily if needed. After you’ve replenished iodine, then take twice a week. MOUTHWASH AND CLEANSER – Great as a mouthwash/mouth cleanser against bacteria, fungus, mucus, virus, coated tongue, etc. Use 3 to 6 drops in glass of water, gargle, do not drink, spit out in glass and observe what comes out. Your mouth will feel refreshed and great.


More is not always better with iodine. Don’t take more of Lugol’s than recommended above without advice from a physician or naturopath.


Fluoridated toothpaste is not very good at killing bacteria. Fluoride just makes the bacteria sick. It interrupts their enzymes just as it interrupts ours. But iodine kills bacteria. It’s bang, bang, you’re dead, immediately, you little decay bacteria rascals!


Regarding calcium and magnesium. Teeth and bones are made mostly of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Getting enough phosphorus is not a problem; it is found in most foods. If you eat plenty of steamed and raw greens, you are probably getting plenty of calcium and magnesium and don’t need a calcium magnesium supplement. If you are eating mostly meat and not a lot of vegetables, you are not getting much calcium and magnesium, so consider taking a calcium and magnesium supplement. Do not supplement with calcium only. Bones are .35% magnesium, and bones cannot process calcium without magnesium. And, of course, other minerals we need such as potassium come along with the calcium and magnesium found in greens.


  • Magnesium applied topically. It is good to eat magnesium rich foods, but even that does not provide all the magnesium we need. Those who are aged and sick, are even more deficient in magnesium. Topical application of magnesium oil, magnesium chloride, on skin is the best way to get sufficient magnesium into the body. Magnesium oilstings slightly because it is alkaline, so mix it half and half with borage or some other oil to dilute it.


  • Bathe in Epsom salts. Magnesium chloride in your bath water will protect you from absorbing fluoride. Fluoride “likes” to bond with magnesium, almost as much as it “likes” to bond with calcium. That means the fluoride in you bath water will be more interested in associating with the magnesium in the water than in penetrating your skin. It is like the white traders trying to cross an Amazonian stream full of paraña fish. They throw their food in first so the paraña will go after the food and not them.


  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D will do more to strengthen teeth than any amount of fluoride you consume or apply topically. Spent a reasonable amount of time in the sun whenever possible. Sunshine on our skin enables the body produce its own vitamin D. Sunscreen prevents formation of vitamin D, so use a hat instead of sunscreen. If you live in Washington, where it is pretty dark for six months of the year, take vitamin D supplements during those months – 5,000 international units. There is just not enough sun in the north in the winter for the body to manufacture sufficient vitamin D. Take vitamin D all year round if you spend little time in the sun or if you have dark skin or wear a burka whenever you go out in the sun. Blacks, who evolved in sunny Africa, are especially prone to vitamin D deficiency. 


Vitamin D3 usually comes from animal sources such as sheep lanolin. There are vegan sources of D3, made from lichen. Vitamin D2 comes from other vegetable sources. Vitamin D3 is recommended over D2, although vitamin D2 is allegedly adequate if you take twice as much of it.


  • Use xylitol: Some recommend that we chew xylitol chewing gum. Xylitol actually kills streptococcus mutans. Tooth decay derives from bacteria. If you kill the bacteria, you can’t have tooth decay. Xylitol comes in two forms. The more expensive and hard to find is made from birch bark. Most xylitol gum is made from corn cobs, which usually come from GMO corn and which thus contain Roundup and possibly BT. Raney aluminum nickel is used to catalyze commercial xylitol, and so there is also some aluminum and nickel in commercial xylitol. If you are willing to pay the price, by birch bark xylitolto sweeten your tea and coffee and birch bark xylitol chewing gum


  • Use topical antibiotics to kill decay bacteria. Dr. Featherstone, DDS, recommends topical application of peroxide and chlorhexidine to kill tooth decay bacteria.


  • Ask your dentist to use Curodent instead of ordinary fillings. Curodent contains “a patented peptide that gets into the damaged part of the tooth where it forms a network – a so-called biomatrix. Around the matrix new minerals are deposited (remineralisation) to form new hydroxyapatite crystals.”




  • Calcium from Cow Milk or Greens: If you only watch TV, you would think cow milk is the best and only source of calcium. Cow milk does contain calcium and magnesium, but there are several reason why no one should drink cow milk in any form, whether raw milk, homogenized milk, or cheese. All dairy products are rich in iIGF-1, a growth hormone which we do not need. It is a cancer promoter. Cow milk contains little essential fatty acids, unlike mother’s milk. Cow milk merely provides tasty calories. Leafy green vegetables are a better source of calcium, magnesium, and the other minerals our teeth and the rest of our bodies need. Also milk, even skim milk, is very high in protein, and we generally eat far more protein than is healthy. Too much protein consumption draws calcium from bones. 


  • Cow Milk and Vitamin D: If you only watch TV, you would think cow milk is the best and only source of vitamin D. Pasteurized cow milk only contains vitamin D because lanolin from wool is added to the milk. Otherwise pasteurized cow milk would contain little or no vitamin D.


  • Eat raw and cooked greens: Eat a lot of them. They are rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The challenge is how to make greens taste good. If you have been unsuccessful in getting the kids to like veggies, check out our recipes here.


  • Plant a garden. Grow your own vegetables. If you live in an apartment, sprout lentils, mung, spelt, wheat, beans.


  • Reduce consumption of meat. The digestion of protein requires a lot of calcium, which is pulled out of the bones. Except for the bones in fish, animal products are generally low in calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Except for fish, animal foods do not contain a lot of essential fatty acids. The meats of cattle, chickens, and pigs is lower in essential fatty acids than they once were because cattle, chickens, and pigs are fed mostly corn, which is low in essential fatty acids, instead of grass which is high in essential fatty acids. 


For those who choose to eat meat, it should be eaten as a condiment, for taste, and not as the main dish three times each day. And I would hope that it would be humanely raised and slaughtered, or better yet not eaten at all.



Dr. Winston Price believed we could strengthen teeth and be healthier in general if we return to the diet which humans ate before grain growing arose. : 


Winston Price was a dentist. He said his diet was especially good for teeth, and he has some ardent followers.  He also has critics, including Dr. Fuhrman.


Weston was right on several points: He said we should not eat processed foods – white flour, phosphate rising powders, cereal, sugar, jam, corn syrup, vegetable oils, and canned milk. He was correct that we should not be eating grains as we do. We did not evolve eating grains.


Dr. Price advocates drinking raw milk. Dr. Price was half way right about raw milk. It is better than commercial homogenized and pasteurized milk. But all milk other than human mother’s milk is better left for calves.


What is wrong with humans drinking cow milk, and why would it not be good for teeth and bones and bad for health in general? Cow milk does contain calcium and magnesium, but it contains little iron and little essential fatty acids. Nature leaves iron and essential fatty acids out of cow milk because calves also eat grass, and grass is rich in iron and essential fatty acids. Cow milk is a totally different composition than human mother’s milk. 


Further, cow milk is an exceedingly cruel food. To make a dairy cow produce milk without interruption, she must be kept pregnant constantly and thus bear a calf every year. The net result is that there are too many calves. Calves are removed from their mothers after a few days, and she is returned to the milking line. Virtually all the male dairy calves go into the veal crates along with most of the females. Some females are saved for the milking machines and the production of the next generation of milk cows.


Life in the veal crates is torture beyond comprehension. Calves are unable to move more than a few inches. In order to produce whitish flesh – which is accomplished by depriving them of iron – calves are fed a diet of government surplus milk and milk fat but no water, which makes the calves thirsty, and so they drink more surplus milk and milk fat. Calves are given no grass. This makes them anemic and miserably sick. All dairy production should be done on small farms – if at all. 


And milk is not the great all around food it has been portrayed as. Milk, whether raw or processed, has too much protein. In the West, getting too much protein is a bigger problem than getting too little protein. Most of us eat far too much protein. Digestion of protein acidifies us and so we  have to draw calcium from bones to return pH to normal. 


Raw milk is better than commercial milk. What good there is in milk is in the milk fat. People should have the right to produce, buy, and sell raw milk. But in this era of tenacious microbes, which turn up unpredictably, I suggest you boil your raw milk first, as do the lacto-vegetarians of Indians.


Better yet, avoid cow milk altogether. It uses up your caloric allotment and gives you few of the nutrients you need along with too much protein.


When it comes to a meat centered diet, there are problems with returning to Weston Price’s originalist Borneo native diet: The clean meat the aborigines ate is not available in sufficient quantity to feed even a fraction of the meat eating population. You will not find organic meat in any significant quantity at a price that most people can afford. The bad money drives out the good, and the cheap meat drives out the good meat. Even hunted meat can be polluted because wild animals can go everywhere and eat grains treated with pesticides. Wild animals can be infected with the same wasting “mad cow” disease which affects cattle. Hunted meat is very expensive when you factor in the cost of guns, licenses, travel, and clothing.


Weston Price said we should eat organ meat, but the body stores things it cannot excrete in the organs.


A problem with commercial meat is that commercial animals are fed phosphate fertilizer, which contains fluoride. Commercial chickens are fed ARSENIC. Commercial meat animals are fed antibiotics and injected with hormones. Again it is a very cruel business, one which we should not support with our dollars.


Fish contains DHA and vitamin D. Unfortunately we treat the oceans both as our grocery store and our sewer. We have polluted our salmon and tuna with mercury and our filter feeders with PCBs. Oceans are loaded with tiny plastic fragments, breakdown products of the millions of tons of plastics which flow into the oceans. When we eat fish, we are eating the plastic in their flesh. We have over populated the planet and we no longer have the right to eat “high on the hog”.


Weston was right on another point: If you want to eat meat, eat insects, as low on the food chain as possible.


Weston opposed eating grains. It is the phytates in the hulls of grains which act as anti-nutrients. Phytates are in the hulls because they sicken and discourage insects which would otherwise eat them, and it is logical that they would sicken us too. The solution is to sprout grains before eating them and to sprout wheat before using it for bread and pasta.


The key to general good health and healthy teeth is eating a lot of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, rich in minerals, and avoiding processed foods, including as white flour, cereal, sugar, jam, corn syrup, and vegetable oils. And if you must eat meat and cheese, it should be an occasional condiment, not the main course three times a day. We eat a lot more meat and drink a lot more cow milk now than we did before refrigeration was developed. A large part of the diet of omnivorous Australian aborigines and African bushmen is vegetables.


If you want to “go Weston”, and eat organic meat, the best way to do it is to raise chickens in your backyard and eat their eggs and the roosters. And eat the aphids which grow on certain of your leafy greens. When you eat aphids, you are eating the very healthiest form of organic meat. That’s the closest you can come in an environmentally responsible way to eat meat.


I have been a strict vegan for 30 years. Note that I am not dead yet, as Weston and perhaps Dr. Mercola too, would imply I should be.


So there are many ways to be healthier in general and having healthy teeth without drinking fluoridated water and eating foods made with fluoridated water and applying fluoride topically to your teeth. 


Fluoridation and fluoride in general are to be avoided as much as possible and are one big fraud to sell a toxic waste as an elixir.


We should keep our mouths clean and free of the food remains that bacteria can feed on. Bacteria need food to survive and proliferate. Sugar is their food. If you give them minimal food, few will grow.





  1. Sunil Goyal

    Great post!!! Choice of food really affects your teeth’s health. Always prefer healthy food and the most important is do brush after every meal. Nowadays there are many dental equipment available which helps a lot to maintain teeth’s health. We should go for regular dental checkup also.

  2. Anna Genovese

    Thank you for your article! It really explains the effects of fluoride simple enough for anyone to understand, even a child. My family is from Ukriane, and 30 years ago we used to brush teeth with baking soda. Back in those days I did not have cavities. Since we moved to the US, I’ve been using only the main brands of toothpaste – Colgate, Crest, Aquafresh. By now I have lots of cavities and my teeth just feel softer than when I was a teen in Ukraine. My dad stayed behind in Ukraine. He kept all his own teeth, had now crowns or bridges, and kept a full set of hair until he died at 65. His life was very stressful, so he smoked and was a heavy drinker. But he really loved dairy. He drank at least 4 glasses of milk daily, ate cottage cheese and sour cream. He also brushed his teeth daily with baking soda. I guess it also helped that back in his days in Ukraine they did not add hormones and antibiotics to cows’ diet.

  3. Nadya

    A well written informative article on prevention of tooth decay. I really appreciate that the writer did not endorse use of fluoride as anti tooth decay agent. Flouride is indeed harmful to health as it is a toxic substance. Its use should be discouraged at all costs. People should be given awareness that tooth decay is actually caused by poor nutrition. Food lacking in vital nutrients like vitamin D, calcium; phosphorus, potassium and minerals make teeth weak and cause decay. Therefore healthy balanced food should be consumed regularly like raw grass fed milk, fish, grass fed meat, bone marrow, yogurt and fermented cod liver oil among others. Such a diet makes teeth strong and provides resistance against decay. Based on Dr Weston Price studies, there is a book “Cure tooth decay” by Ramiel Nagel in which the author has given a nutritional program which ensures prevention and reversal of tooth decay. Visit this website for more information

  4. Kallie Miller

    Hi James.

    NO VITAMIN D2 PLEASE. You need Vitamin D3 as it is used directly by the body rather than having to transform it from Vitamin D2. That is a generalized statement. Visit for all the best information on Vitamin D. You need at least 2000 IU daily and some researchers are recommending 5000 – 8000 IU daily. Best to get a Vitamin D blood test. You want your level to be in the higher part of the normal laboratory range.

    Kallie Miller, RN
    London, ON


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