Protect Yourself

by | May 4, 2013 | Featured, Health | 2 comments

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James Robert Deal J.D.
Richard Sauerheber Ph.D.
Updated May 5, 2013

What can you do to protect yourself and your children if your tap water is fluoridated?

Stop drinking fluoridated tap water. Stop eating food made with fluoridated water. The sooner you do this, the better. Fluoridation chemicals harm some people in the short term, for example, those who are allergic to them and fetuses, who suffer IQ loss. Others are harmed over the long term.

Where can you get non-fluoridated water? If your tap water is fluoridated, move to a non-fluoridated area, or buy a house on a well. If you cannot move, at least buy a distiller. You can get a very good distiller from Amazon for around $220. If you are hypersensitive and cannot bathe in fluoridated water, get a reverse osmosis whole house filter. Buy a fluoride meter so you can test foods and beverages for their fluoride content.

Fortunately, there is a deep well located only a few miles from our home here in Lynnwood on 164th Street SW, a mile downhill to the west of I-5Or find a well. We go to the well on 164th Street SW in Lynnwood and lug home three gallon jugs of untreated artesian spring water. The fluoride level is around .14 ppm, and it is calcium fluoride, which is relatively harmless, especially because the well water is loaded with minerals. Buy the light blue water jugs made of Number 2 plastic.


When you eat out, call ahead. Ask if the restaurant uses RO water for its cooking and drinking water. Ask what kind of filter it is. Carbon block filters will not remove fluoride; the fluoride ion is too small. Ask the name of the RO machine, and go online and look it up. If the restaurant does not have RO water, let the manager know that you will not eat at a restaurant that prepares food made with and serves water containing fluoride.

Starbucks uses RO water. So too does Veggie Grill, which has many

West Coast locations. So too does Thrive in Seattle. (If you know of other restaurants in fluoridated towns which use RO water, let me know, and I will list them.)

The fluorosilicic acid which Portland plans to use is not just fluorosilicic acid. It contains or breaks down predominantly into fluoride ion, hydrogen ion, hydrogen fluoride, and silicic acid.  And it also contains lesser amounts of lead and arsenic and smaller but significant amounts of mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, selenium, barium, and thallium. The brew can be slightly radioactive, emitting beta radiation.

Fluoridationists argue that the amounts of these toxins added through fluoridation is below the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level MCLG and is therefore acceptable. However, the EPA MCLGs were never intended as authorization to add any chemical to drinking water, only a requirement that if such levels occur they must be removed. The 2006 NRC Report at page xiii clarifies this. So many toxic materials, acting synergistically, should not be presumed safe and should be avoided as much as possible.

The fluoride, lead, and arsenic are cumulative. The body stores fluoride in bones and other calcium rich areas of the body; lead builds up in bones; and arsenic builds up in lungs and in the skin – which may facilitate sun blistered skin to become cancerous. under . The bones can only hold around 10,000 ppm fluoride and then they max out and the fluoride starts overwhelming the kidneys.

In a healthy adult the kidneys can only excrete around half of the fluoride you consume. The other half gets stored in bones, joints, ligaments,, tendons, pineal, kidneys, and thyroid.

The CDC admits that 41% of children 12 – 15 years old have dental fluorosis. 8.6% suffer from mild fluorosis (white spots and some brown spots with up to 50% of enamel impacted), and 3.6% suffer from moderate and severe fluorosis (white spots and brown spots and sometimes pitting and chalky teeth and up to 100% of enamel impacted). Even mild fluorosis can be ugly. If teeth are becoming fluorotic, so too are all the bones in the child’s body.

Babies drink four times as much water as do adults per their body weight. Their kidneys develop late. A baby can only excrete around 20% of fluoride consumed. The rest goes into the bones and into the enamel of permanent teeth not yet erupted, causing tooth fluorosis. CDC admits that 41% of 12 to 15 year olds have some level of fluorosis, 8% have moderate and 3% have severe fluorosis.

Thus, it is very important that babies avoid fluoridated water, food cooked in fluoridated water, and formula mixed with fluoridated water. Babies have soft and penetrable skin. Even at the neutral pH of bath water, there is some hydrogen fluoride in fluoridated tap water, and hydrogen fluoride easily penetrates skin, especially the soft and permeable skin of an infant.

Some advise taking calcium and magnesium supplements, however, calcium can build up in the aorta. The best source of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals is leafy green vegetables.

Lead is stored throughout the body, including in the brain, where it lowers IQ. Arsenic is stored under the skin and in combination with too much sun causes skin cancer.

Eat only organic meat. Commercial cows, pigs, and chickens are routinely fed phosphate fertilizer, which contains fluoride, arsenic and lead. Until recently, arsenic was routinely fed to chickens; it kills parasites.

Regarding your grandchildren, encourage the mothers to breast feed. For as many years as possible. In olden times children breast fed until the age of three, as Aristotle, the Talmud, and the Koran recommended. If mothers do not make enough milk, then encourage them to buy milk from other mothers. Go to the Web and look for the sellers.

Why mother’s milk? Because it contains 10 ppb fluoride or less, even when the mother is drinking water fluoridated at 1,000 ppb.

Buy a water distiller. Buy the parents of your grandchildren a water distiller. Distillation is the only guaranteed method for removing fluoride, lead, and arsenic. A few reverse osmosis filters work, but not all. The Brita filter does nothing to remove fluoride, lead, and arsenic.

Form a committee at church to deliver jugs of good water to poor people who do not have cars and cannot haul 20 gallons of water home each week.

What do you do about food? Cook it with distilled water or spring water. Wash your vegetables in distilled or spring water.

When you eat in a restaurant, remember that you are eating and drinking fluoride. You are using up your lifetime allowable intake quota of fluoride.

When you drink bottled water or reconstituted juice or cola, you must call the bottler to ask what their water source is. The FDA does not require disclosure. It is legal to reconstitute organic juice with fluoridated water.

Go organic with all foods. A phase-out of sulfuryl fluoride is being discussed, but there is stiff opposition to this move by grower groups. It is still legal to use it on non-organic grains, vegetables, and fruits. It is used as a fumigant, to kill the weevils in grain and to kill mold on grapes, plums, and prunes. Eat organic bread and rice. Drink only organic nuts, wine, and juices.

Quit using fluoridated toothpaste. Peroxide kills far more decay bacteria than fluoride. Crest is 1,500 ppm fluoride. You absorb the fluoride through the soft tissue in your mouth. As soon as you drink something acidic, the fluoride washes right off. So you end up swallowing your toothpaste.

If you have several thousand dollars, invest in a whole house filter. It is more convenient to be able to use tap water for drinking, cooking, washing clothes, and showering. Fluoride is absorbed through the skin. If you stand under a hot fluoride shower every morning and night, you can expect to develop achy shoulders from the fluoride you are absorbing. When you wash your clothes in fluoridated water, your clothes are fluoridated. As you perspire, you take a fluoride bath all day long.

Would it not be simpler (and cheaper) just to stop fluoridating our tap water?


  1. James Robert Deal

    My Lynnwood well water contains .07 ppm naturally occurring calcium fluoride. I drank fluoridated water for 20 years when I was living in Seattle. I want to consume zero fluoride. So I distill my well water.

    RO is good, but not as good. And you need a fluoride meter to determine when your filter is filling up. RO is best if you want to bathe in fluoride free water.

    My water distiller – $229 from Amazon – makes a gallon of distilled water in around 5 hours. The electricity cost is around 40 cents. We run the distiller twice daily. We use well water for washing greens but use distilled water for cooking and drinking.

    We removed the automatic icemaker from our freezer. I do not want fluoridated ice cubes.

    My favorite tea is Throat Coat. It’s organic. I take it for the taste. I put the tea bag in my big mug and add distilled water. That’s enough minerals for me. And I eat mineral rich greens and stir fry before or after drinking distilled water.

    So I do not understand the argument that distilled water is bad because it is free of minerals. There are minerals in every thing else I eat and drink.

    I think the opposition to distilled water is just another myth. Please explain if you disagree.

  2. Michael

    You mention the fluoride level at the well being .14 ppb. I looked it up and they are saying it’s .14 mg/l, which translates to 140.08 ppb. or something. I drink that water too, I was mostlly worried about arsenic, which is good at .006 mg/l. Anyway, what do you think of that? It’s good water, makes great coffee, but is it necessary to get a filter to take out some fluoride?


  2. Portland | FLUORIDE, LEAD, ARSENIC, AND MORE IN OUR WATER - [...] you live in a fluoridated city, you are going to have to pay a lot of attention to how…

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