51 Quotes by Doctors Against Fluoride and What to Do About It
Claiming that a small amount of poison is healthy for you – like the fluoride in tap water or in many toothpastes – is equivalent to pissing on you and tell you it’s raining. In this article, you’ll learn that your tap water could be slowly making you and your loves ones sick – and how to eliminate your exposure to fluoride permanently and forever.
Sodium fluoride is a poison that prevents proper thyroid function and wreaks havoc on the body. There’s a reason why your tube of toothpaste says call poison control if a child swallows more than a pea-sized amount of it.
Yet people in power insist that the public must have it. Is fluoride good for your teeth like they say or is there a plot to keep everyone dumbed down and not quite smart enough to see what’s really going on in this world?
Many in the younger generation have no awareness of their toothpaste being fluoridated or the massive controversy over it, which is why I’ve written this blog post.
For decades, hundreds of scientists and dentists involved with fluoride research have been speaking out against the nefarious practice of adding fluoride to public water supplies and commercial toothpastes.
51 Quotes Against Fluoride and Fluoridation
1. “The evidence that fluoridation is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming.”
– Dr. Hardy Limeback, Former President of the Canadian Association for Dental Research.
2. “Fluoridation goes against all principles of pharmacology. It’s obsolete.”
– Dr. Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine/Physiology.
3. “In summary, we hold that fluoridation is an unreasonable risk.”
– U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Headquarters Union of Scientists and Professionals (2001)
4. “In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical.”
– Dr. Dean Burk PHD (34 years at the National Cancer Institute)
5. “The American Medical Association is NOT prepared to state that no harm will be done to any person by water fluoridation. The AMA has not carried out any research work, either long-term or short-term, regarding the possibility of any side effects.”
– Dr. Flanagan, Assistant Director of Environmental Health, American Medical Association. [actual letter]
6. “Based on data from the National Academy of Sciences, current levels of fluoride exposure in drinking water may cause arthritis in a substantial portion of the population long before they reach old age”
– Dr. Robert Carton, former EPA Scientist.
7. “Fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, probably because of their capacity to modify the metabolism of cells by changing the permeability of the cell membrane and by inhibiting certain enzyme systems.”
– Journal of the American Medical Association, Sept 18, 1943
8. “Segments of the population are unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride.They include “postmenopausal women and elderly men, pregnant woman and their fetuses, people with deficiencies of calcium, magnesium and/or vitamin C, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems.”
– United States Public Health Service Report (ATSDR TP-91/17, pg. 112, Sec.2.7, April 1993)
9. “Fluoride exposure, at levels that are experienced by a significant proportion of the population whose drinking water is fluoridated, may have adverse impacts on the developing brain.”
– Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility, May 2000
10. “It is now clear that fluoride is a potentially harmful substance when present in the drinking water in any amount.”
– Dr. Simon Beisler, Chief of Urology, Roosevelt Hospital and Past President of the American Urological Association.
11. “The plain fact that fluorine is an insidious poison harmful, toxic and cumulative in its effects, even when ingested in minimal amounts, will remain unchanged no matter how many times it will be repeated in print that fluoridation of the water supply is ‘safe.’”
– Dr. Ludgwig Grosse, Chief of Cancer Research, U.S. Veterans Administration.
12. “Fluoride has no health benefit in water – only a health detriment!”
– Amelia Hazard, DMD
13. “Fluoride has no health benefit in water – only a health detriment!”
– Amelia Hazard, DMD
14. “As a natural medicine physician, I have known for years that the fluoride added to drinking water has toxic effects on the body, and environment. Fluoride stores up in the body over time, and displaces necessary nutrients like calcium and iodine, disrupting bone, glandular, and brain function, and has been shown to contribute to cardiovascular disease and low IQ…”
– John Holden, DOM
15. “My own personal published research shows that fluoride has an adverse effect on the immune system.”
– Sheila L. M. Gibson, MD, BSc, MFHom, Member of the Advisory panel for the York Review. Medical advisor to UK Councils Against Fluoridation, Glasgow, Scotland
16. “Fluoridation is unsafe, ineffective and unethical.”
– Mark Diesendorf, PhD, Associate Professor, UNSW Sydney, author of several important articles on fluoride including the groundbreaking 1986 article in Nature, “The Mystery of Declining Tooth Decay.”
17. “The Organic Consumers Association supports a ban on water fluoridation. America’s 50 million health and environmental- minded organic consumers are not only concerned with the purity of their food, but the purity of their water as well. Ban water fluoridation now!”
– Ronnie Cummins, National Director, Organic Consumers Association, MN
18. “..fluoride damages bone even at levels added to public drinking water.”
– American Journal of Epidemiology, October 1999
19. “Fluoridation is mass medication with an uncontrolled dose, and violates the individual’s right to informed consent. We need to end the harmful practice of water fluoridation in the US and all other countries which still add fluoride in public drinking water.”
– Mages Mageswari Sangaralingam, Masters in Environmental Management, Research Officer, Consumers Association of Penang, Malaysia
20. “Several papers reviewed by the NRC (2006a) have reported associations between dental fluorosis and increased risk of adverse health effects, including thyroid disease, lowered IQ, and bone fracture.”
– Ro- Kathleen Theissen, PhD.
21. “Nobody should ever be forced to take medicine against their wishes.”
– Dr. Andrew Rynne, LRCP&SI, MICGP, Medical Practitioner and columnist for the Irish Medical News, founder of Clane General Hospital, Co. Kildare, Ireland
22. “Fluoridating the public water supply violates the fundamental right of citizens to health and a healthful environment. The risks associated with water fluoridation definitely far outweigh the supposed benefits.”
– Romeo Quijano, MD, Manilla, Philippines
23. “As a consultant dietitian in private practice I have assessed the nutritional status of patients for over forty years. I see the ill effects of fluoride on the body and the health issues it presents.”
– Grace S. Prince, MS, RD, LDN, dietitian consultant in private practice, Nashville, TN
24. “Countless peer-reviewed scientific research publications show that the risks of fluoridation far outweigh any claims of its so called benefits.”
– Rosemary Grace Minervini, RDH, MS, Retired Dental Hygienist, Master’s Degree in Dental Hygiene Administration, Education and Research, Lehi, UT
25. “Tooth decay is a disease of poverty. Feed these children; don’t fluoridate them!”
– Paul Beeber, esq., New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
26. “Tooth decay is a disease of poverty. Feed these children; don’t fluoridate them!”
– Paul Beeber, esq., New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
27. “My main reasons for opposing fluoridation is that there is no scientifically rigorous evidence for its efficacy yet there is clear such evidence of its great harm to humans. Furthermore I object strenuously to having medication administered to me without my consent.”
– Gerhard Bedding, MA, MALS, Director NH Pure Water Coalition/NH Citizens for Health Freedom, Executive Committee Member Aurum Foundation (supporting natural health) and NH Chapter Sierra Club, Keene, NH
28. “Fluoridating public water supplies is now demonstrated to be ineffective at preventing dental caries, to be toxic for various body systems and damaging to the development of the central nervous system. Furthermore, it is medically unethical because it is being approved by unqualified authorities, delivers an uncontrolled dose, without medical monitoring. All of this without the informed consent of recipients and without their ability to easily or cheaply avoid exposure once the fluoride is added to their drinking water.”
– James Beck, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Medical Biophysics, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
29. “I’m against fluoridation: it’s a ridiculous idea, based on very bad science.”
– Professor C. Vyvyan Howard, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCPath, Bioimaging Research Group, Centre for Molecular Bioscience, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland and newly elected President of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE)
30. “The health of the entire country is at risk as long as fluoridation of the drinking water remains uncurbed.”
– Robert L. Isaacson, PhD, Distinguished Professor, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY. Member of the 2006 National Research Council panel which reviewed the toxicology of fluoride, Binghamton, NY
31. “There’s no doubt that the intake of fluoridated water is going to interrupt basic functions of nerve cells in the brain, and this is certainly not going to be [for] the benefit of anybody.”
– Dr. Robert Isaacson, 2006 National Research Council Scientist
32. “No one likes having been wrong. But for the sake of the children we must admit we were wrong about this and end it now.”
– Councillor Lisa Intemann, BA(Hons), BAppSc, Community Development worker of 30 years, Wauchope, NSW, Australia
33. “In Harlem, NY, which has been fluoridated for 32 years, “There’s more dental decay among these kids; we see the beginning of inflamed gingivitis in their mouths.”
– American Dental Association, May 2000
34. “Fluoride has been shown to adversely effect the central nervous system, causing behavioral changes, increased hip fractures and reproduction problems.”
– Natick Report Research Team [Research Microbiologist, U.S. Army, Dr. B. J. Gallo, Environmental Chemist, J. Kupperschmidt Apollo Program Project Scientist, Dr. N.R. Mancuso, U.S. Army Natick Research Labs, A. Murray, Molecular Biologist, Dr. Strauss]
35. “I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.”
– Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association.
36. “Fluoridation … it is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has.”
– Dr. Professor Albert Schatz, (Microbiology), co-discoverer of Streptomycin, the cure for tuberculosis and numerous other bacterial infections.
37. “Fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth and overall health.. it doesn’t need to be added to our water and we may be taking unnecessary risks by doing so.”
– Dr. Hardy Limeback, a leading Canadian fluoride authority, former fluoride advocate and long-standing consultant to Canadian Dental Association. (read his rationale)
38. “The evidence against the safety of this public health policy keeps mounting; it is too compelling to ignore.”
– Dr. Phyllis Mullenix, Children’s Hospital, Boston
39. “By 1983 I was thoroughly convinced that fluoridation caused more harm than good. I expressed the opinion that some of these children with dental fluorosis could, just possibly, have also suffered harm to their bones”
– Dr. Colquhoun, former Principal Dental Officer for Auckland New Zealand. (read his rationale)
40. “.. the evidence is quite convincing that the addition of sodium fluoride to the public water supply at one part per million is extremely deleterious to the human body”.
– Chief Justice John Flaherty, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (presided over litigation involving fluoridation)
41. “This record is barren of any credible and reputable scientific epidemiological studies and/or analysis of statistical data which would support the Illinois Legislatures determination that fluoridation of the water supplies is both a safe and effective means of promoting public health.”
– Illinois Judge Ronald Niemann (presided over litigation involving fluoridation)
42. “The artificial fluoridation of public water supplies, such as contemplated by (Houston) City ordinance No. 80-2530 may cause or may contribute to the cause of cancer, genetic damage, intolerant reactions, and chronic toxicity, including dental mottling, in man; that the said artificial fluoridation may aggravate malnutrition and existing illnesses in man; and that the value of said artificial fluoridation is in doubt as to the reduction of tooth decay in man.”
– Texas Judge Anthony Farris (presided over litigation involving fluoridation)
43. “E.P.A. should act immediately to protect the public, not just on the cancer data, but on the evidence of bone fractures, arthritis, mutagenicity and other effects.”
– Dr. William Marcus, Senior Toxicologist at E.P.A.
44. “Since 1990, five major epidemiological studies from three countries-the United States, United Kingdom and France – showing a higher rate of hip fractures in fluoridated regions..”
– Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 1997 vol. 21 no. 24
45. “All of the organizations promoting water fluoridation agree that dental fluorosis, which is the first visible sign of systemic poisoning, increases with water fluoride levels.”
– Dr. Kennedy, Past President of International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology and a practicing Dentist for 20 years.
46. “[T]he political profluoridation stance has evolved into a dogmatic, authoritarian, essentially antiscientific posture, one that discourages open debate of scientific issues.”
– Dr. Edward Groth, Senior Scientist, Consumers Union, 1991.
47. “Journal editors often have refused for political reasons to publish information that raises questions about fluoridation.”
– Chemical & Engineering News, August 1, 1988.
48. “We are left with compelling evidence that powerful interests with high financial stakes have colluded to prematurely close honest discussion and investigation into fluoride toxicity.”
– Dr. Sheldon Krimsky, Tufts University, August 16, 2004.
49. “The Public Health Service, unfortunately, has locked itself into a position where it has made this statement on the record that there is absolutely no hazard to fluoridating public water supplies and the matter is closed. Now, that, of course, is immediately an unscientific approach.” – Ralph Nader, Consumer Advocate, 1971.
50. “Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale may be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
– Philippe Grandjean
51. “The sad irony here is that the FDA, which does not regulate fluoride in drinking water, does regulate toothpaste and on the back of a tube of fluoridated toothpaste … it must state that ‘if your child swallows more than the recommended amount, contact a poison control center.’ The amount that they’re talking about, the recommended amount, which is a pea-sized amount, is equivalent to one glass of water.”
– Dr. Paul Connett, Author of The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There