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DRINKING WATER ADDITIVE LEACHES LEAD. The type of fluoride utilized in Seattle, Everett, and Tacoma, fluorosilicic acid, contains lead and leaches lead from pipes and fittings. Lead permeates all cells in the body, reduces IQ, and exacerbates kidney disease and high blood pressure.


FLUORIDE SWITCH. Fluoridation started in 1945 with sodium fluoride (from the aluminum and uranium industry), but the supply was soon insufficient. Fluorosilicic acid, (from the phosphate fertilizer industry) was substituted in the 1950s, being cheaper and more abundant. Studies by Coplan, Masters, Maas, and Sawan show that there is more lead in tap water fluoridated with fluorosilicic acid than with sodium fluoride. Why?


SILICIC ACID. When diluted, fluorosilicic acid breaks down into fluoride ion, hydrogen fluoride, and silicic acid. Silicic acid has a low dissociation constant. The amount of soda ash (sodium carbonate) added to neutralize fluoride is insufficient to neutralize silicic acid. Silicic acid is very good at leaching lead, as also is chlorine.


MANY FLUORIDES. Some 92% of fluoridation is done with fluorosilicic acid or its salt, sodium silicofluoride, together referred to as silicofluoride (SiF). Around 8% is done with sodium fluoride (NaF). SiF and NaF are much more poisonous and soluble than naturally occurring calcium fluoride (CaF), which is relatively insoluble and not even classed as a poison. Fluoridationists say fluoride is naturally occurring and that they are merely “adjusting” naturally occurring fluoride levels. Instead they are adding highly soluble fluorides which do not contain calcium. Calcium would buffer fluoride and reduce its toxicity. NaF and SiF are industrial grade. SiF contains and breaks down into hydrogen fluoride—which is highly poisonous and penetrates stomach, placental, and brain barriers–plus silicic acid, which dissolves lead.


LEAD IN FLINT. Fluoride, chlorine, and chloramine leach lead from plumbing. Flint added excess chloramine to kill excess bacteria breeding in polluted water. Flint should quit adding fluoride, chlorine, and chloramine and  purify water instead with ozonation. In 2004 Seattle papers reported lead at 1,600 ppb (parts per billion) in old Seattle schools, far above the 15 ppb EPA action level and the 0 ppb goal. New brass pipes and faucets contain around 8% lead and older pipes contain as much as 30% lead. Old schools, homes, apartments, hospitals, office buildings, and factories have pipes containing lead, which SiF will leach. When water districts stop fluoridating, lead levels in water and in blood drop, as happened in Tacoma in 1992. Seattle commissioned reports on the lead in schools, but had a blind spot to the possibility that SiF was a factor. Seattle began replacing pipes in schools at great cost, when terminating fluoridation and chlorination should be the first step. Even if replacing lead pipes in schools will solve the lead problem in schools, it will not solve the lead problem in other structures.


TOOTH DECAY. Fluoride is added allegedly to reduce caries. However, studies posted on the CDC website claim only an 18-25% reduction in caries from fluoridation, meaning fluoridation is 75-82% ineffective. Tooth decay has dropped just as much in non-fluoridated continental Europe as in fluoridated United States, so fluoridation cannot be the causal factor. Tooth decay correlates with poverty, bad diet, and lack of dental care, and not with the percentage of the population fluoridated.


BLACKS, HISPANICS, AND THE POOR in general are more sensitive to lead, arsenic, and fluoride than the general population due to poor nutrition and vitamin D deficiency. The poor cannot afford to buy bottled water or water distillers. Alveda King, Bernice King, and Andrew Young lead the Fluoride-Gate movement. They see fluoridation as a civil rights issue because fluorosis and other harms are twice as bad among blacks and Hispanics.


FLUOROSIS. The CDC admits that 41% of children 12–15 years old have some degree of dental fluorosis. (If teeth are affected, so too are bones.) 8.6% suffer from mild fluorosis (white spots and some brown spots with up to 50% of enamel impacted), and 3.6% suffer from moderate and severe fluorosis (white spots and brown spots and sometimes pitting and chalky teeth and up to 100% of enamel impacted). Even mild fluorosis can be ugly and embarrassing. Fluorosis should not be forced on people just so tooth decay can allegedly be reduced and then only slightly, if at all.


SYSTEMIC VS. TOPICAL – TOOTHPASTE. Studies on the CDC website admit that the effect of fluoride on teeth is primarily topical and not systemic, but strangely, CDC still endorses drinking fluoride. However, fluoride is ineffective neither systemically nor topically. Tooth decay is caused by streptococcus mutans, which is easily killed by topical antibiotics. Brushing with Lugol’s iodine weekly kills all strep. Cut tooth decay by quitting sugar, sweetening with xylitol, supplementing vitamin D, eating more vegetables, and brushing and flossing. Fluoridated toothpaste is an unhealthy and ineffectual way to prevent decay. It should be available by prescription only. Never use it. So-called fluoride is a magic bullet that misfires.


PERVASIVE. If we add fluoride to tap water, then fluoride is in everything made from tap waterfood, cola, beer, coffee, bread, cereal, restaurant food, and fruit juices reconstituted with tap water.


GREED. The PR manipulators sell us fluoride the same way they sold us tetraethyl lead, DDT, cigarettes, and GMOs. Chemical, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, and toothpaste companies donate to legislators and to dental and medical colleges, which indoctrinate dentists and physicians to endorse fluoridation. We trust agencies and those with MD and DDS degrees. The ADA tells dentists that they need not try to understand the science behind fluoridation. They need only accept the mystery and spread the gospel of fluoridation. Dentists and researchers who question fluoridation have been fired and have had their careers ruined. Once started, a profitable scam is hard to stop.


CDC, EPA. The Oral Health Division, a small CDC branch is run by fluoridationist dentists and endorses fluoridation. Likewise, the non-scientist administrators at EPA endorse fluoridation. Endorsements prove nothing. The most significant non-endorsement is that of the EPA scientists’ union, which opposes fluoridation. Agencies have been taken over by the industries they regulate and are made up of pro-industry and pro-consumer parties, which explains their mixed signals and inaction. Neither CDC nor EPA has authority to approve, promote, or finance fluoridation. The Safe Drinking Water Act says “No … regulation may require the addition of any substance for preventive health care purposes unrelated to contamination of drinking water”. EPA and CDC dodge this law by only recommending fluoridation and encouraging water districts to require it.


ARSENIC. SiF also adds up to 1.1 ppb arsenic to water, a Type 1, Class A human carcinogen. For arsenic the MCL, maximum contaminant level, is 10 ppb and the MCLG goal is zero. A zero MCLG for lead and arsenic means there is no level of lead or arsenic which is safe to add to drinking water. 


SiF AND NaF are mutagens, poisons, and probable carcinogens. As little as seven grams of SiF or NaF, the weight of seven paper clips, can kill an adult. It would take a half pound of naturally occurring CaF to do the same. The fluoride we drink is of course not immediately fatal. However, healthy adult kidneys only excrete half of the fluoride we consume. Bones and glands retain the other half. Once in bones, fluoride can never be removed.


KIDNEYS AND ARTHRITIS. Fluoride builds up in kidneys, reducing ability to excrete. Water used for dialysis must be fluoride free. After drinking fluoridated water for years, bone will contain 3,000 to 12,000 ppm fluoride, depending on water hardness and diet. At 3,000 ppm bones weaken and become brittle. Fractured pelvises are twice as common in fluoridated areas. All fluorides affects bones, joints, and tendons and exacerbate arthritis.


ALZHEIMER’S. Water treatment plants add aluminum to remove dirt. Fluoride ion binds with aluminum, forming aluminum fluoride, a neutral molecule, which slips through the blood-brain barrier, delivering aluminum into the brain, which may be a factor in Alzheimer’s disease.


OTHER SYMPTOMS. Fluoride interrupts and inhibits enzymatic action. It denatures proteins. SiF is an anticholinesterase inhibitor. It damages brain tissue and reduces IQ while the fetus is still in the womb. It attacks the thyroid, pituitary, pineal, and other glands. Fluoride incorporates into atherosclerotic plaque in coronary arteries and aorta and worsens cardiovascular disease. Around 1% of the population is so sensitive to fluoridated water that they have to relocate. It causes osteoporosis in older women.


FETUSES, BABIES, IQ REDUCTION. Fetuses are highly sensitive to fluoride and its co-contaminants because their cells are rapidly dividing. Fluoride and its co-contaminants pass the placental barrier and lower IQ. The FDA banned prenatal supplements containing fluoride. Babies too are highly sensitive. Their cells continue to divide, and they drink four times as much fluids per body weight as do adults. Babies’ kidneys are not mature and excrete only 20% of fluoride consumed. CDC, ADA, AMA, and the surgeon general have advised that if formula is mixed using fluoridated water fluorosis will result, an admission that other harms are being done.


ATHLETES, HARD LABORERS, DIABETICS, and those with kidney disease are vulnerable because they drink up to ten times as much water as typical people. Fluoride meets the definition of a drug, but the dose cannot be controlled nor duration of consumption. It should be a prescription only drug.


IN WESTERN WASHINGTON, we are especially susceptible to the slow ravages of fluoride because our snow melt water is exceptionally soft and contains little calcium, which would bind with and tie up fluoride to some extent.


IRELAND. Studies comparing the fluoridated Irish Republic and non-fluoridated Northern Ireland show higher general disease levels with fluoridation.


TOXIC WASTE FILTH. The fluorosilicic acid used is the unfiltered and unprocessed scrubber liquor from the smoke stacks of phosphate fertilizer plants in Florida, Mexico, and China. It contains or breaks down into fluoride ion, hydrogen fluoride, silicic acid. It contains lead and arsenic. Batches can contain mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, thallium, selenium, and barium. There are billions of atoms of each contaminant per quart of water. Thallium is radioactive. Fluorosilicic acid contains trace amounts of many elements. It is not pharmaceutical grade. SiF and NaF have never been approved by the FDA, EPA, CDC, or any other federal or state agency for consumption in tap water. The FDA has approved pharmaceutical grade fluorides for topical use, as in toothpaste, but the fluoride is to be spat out. If more than the smallest amount is swallowed, one is to call poison control.


NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION—SHAM.  NSF is a chemical company trade association, the only entity which certifies fluorosilicic acid to be safe. Washington and 46 other states allow fluoridation only with fluoride which complies with NSF 60. WAC 246-290-220(3), says: “any treatment chemicals … added to water intended for potable use must comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60. The NSF web site and the NSF Standard for Drinking Water Additives, say: Standard 60 … requires a toxicology review to determine that the product is safe at its maximum use level and … to determine if any contaminant concentrations have the potential to cause adverse human health effects. Some 20 toxicological studies are required, but NSF has admitted that toxicological studies are not being done. (See Hazen deposition, pages 22, 67). Thus fluoridation materials do not “comply” with NSF 60 and fluoridation with them is illegal.


DANGEROUS, EXPENSIVE. Cities buy SiF by the tanker truck load. Everett pours 250 gallons per day into drinking water, spending $300,000 per year. Fluorosilicic acid corrodes equipment and shortens its useful life. Hazmat suits must be worn by those handling it. When the liquid is spilled on concrete, steel, or glass, it burns through. When fluoride is added to water, extra sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate – Draino® or soda ash – must be added to reduce acidity.


NO INFORMED CONSENT. SiF and NaF are added to treat disease and so meet the FDA and Washington definitions of an unapproved drug. Fluoridation is medical treatment without informed consent. Forcing us all to take such a toxic waste drug violates our right to control our own bodies. It should not be our duty to remove the toxic waste. Water departments should stop adding it. Those who want foolishly to consume fluoride can swallow a little toothpaste or get a Luride prescription.


CAPTIVE WATER DISTRICTS. buy fluoridated water from Seattle, Tacoma, and Everett, but they never voted on fluoridation. They should demand that their water just be water.


FISH. The fluoride content of sewer effluent is high enough to repel salmon and cause salmon runs to crash, as has happened in the Snohomish, Columbia and Sacramento Rivers.


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  1. JR-Deal-NewZ-4-8-2018 | Washington Politics - […] Do not drink fluoridated water. Do not use fluoride toothpaste. Do not allow a dentist to put fluori…. They…

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