Administration Division
December 4, 2012
James Robert Deal, Attorney, PLLC
P.O. Box 2276
Lynnwood, W A 98036-2276
Dear Mr. Deal:
Thank yon for your November 26 letter to the Snohomish Health District Board of Health. You raised concerns about fluoridation of public water systems.
As you know, the Board of Health has considered the issue over the past 20 years, most recently at the meeting of the Program & Policy Committee on August 23,2012, and again at the meeting of the full Board on October 8, 2012. At both meetings, the Health Officer (Dr. Gary Goldbaum) summarized the preponderance of evidence supporting fluoridation. Subsequently, at the October 8 meeting, the Board voted lmanimously to endorse fluoridation as an effective public health strategy to reduce dental caries.
The Board does not believe that there is reason to further reconsider its decision at this time. The Board will reconsider its position only if new scientific evidence leads to changes in national recommendations about fluoridation.
Dave Somers, Chair
Snohomish Health District Board of Health
The Board did not consider the evidence; it ignored the evidence. Some of the evidence the Board ignored:
The strong evidence that the water additives are harm the fetus and infant.
The admitted fact that so-called fluoride contains: fluorosilicic acid, fluoride ion, hydrogen fluoride, lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, selenium, and barium, and finally thallium, which emits radiation.
That the act of fluoridation violates numerous laws, the most serious that the variety of fluoride used does not comply with regulatory standards and thus is illegal to use.
That the Snohomish Health Board is relying on a person for scientific advice on this issue who is completely unqualified to advise the board.