
by | Mar 3, 2012 | Thallium | 0 comments

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From Dr. Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D.:

Thallium is the assassination chemical of choice in Russia for murdering political dissidents. It was used by Saddam Hussein for that purpose as well.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established the exposure limit of thallium at 0.1 mg per cubic meter in workplace air. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has suggested that 15 mg per cubic meter of thallium be considered as dangerous for life.


Keep in mind that 1 cubic meter is 1,000 liters: 1m3(100 cm/m)3/1000 cm3/L =  1,000 liters.

So the problem is that this translates to 0.1 mg/m3 = 0.1 mg/1,000 liters = 0.1 ppb, which only slightly more than the .06 ppb level. This is the level at which one is poisoned with external exposure.  Everyone bathes in thallium water in silicofluoridated cities and if the 0.6 ppb number is correct, then this spells real trouble for people who like to soak in the bathtub or take long showers or swim in pools all day .

The exposure should be kept below 0.1 mg per square meter of skin surface because thallium is assimilated through the skin, and so it was formerly used as a rodent poison.

Thallium is a suspected carcinogen in addition to being a chronic poison that causes hair loss and neurological symptoms.  At higher levels it kills.

Strangely, it is now used in microscopic doses in thallium heart scans in clinics, a procedure I have never agreed is worthwhile.

Richard Sauerheber, San Diego


See: Thallium poisoning. Diagnosis may be elusive but alopecia is the clue.


This so-called fluorosilicic acid is actually composed of many elements and compounds. NSF has reported that various tanker loads of so-called fluorosilicic acid have contained and therefore can be expected to contain the following elements and compounds: fluorosilicic acid, fluoride ion, hydrogen fluoride, lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, thallium, selenium, and barium. NSF admitted in 2008 that some tanker loads emit beta radiation.

This information comes from three publications by NSF, the first an April 24, 2000, letter from NSF to the Fluorida Department of Public Health, the second the 2008 NSF Fact Sheet on Fluoridation, and third the 2012 NSF Fact Sheet on Fluoridation, plus a typical Certificate of Analysis from Simplot, which supplies King and Snohomish counties with fluoridation materials.

According to NSF documents, water fluoridated with fluorosilicic acid may contain up to 0.06 ppb thallium. This represents the amount of thallium contributed by the fluoridation materials. At a concentration of 0.06 ppb, there are around 174.6 billion atoms of thallium per liter of tap water fluoridated at 1.0 ppm fluoride ion. Some isotopes of thallium are radioactive, and apparently at least some of the thallium added to drinking water is of the radioactive isotopes because NSF discloses that fluorosilicic acid, after dilution into drinking water, can emit beta radiation, as noted below.


Finally, there is thallium, NSF acknowledges that shipments of fluoridation materials have been found to add up to .06 ppb thallium to water after fluoridation materials have been diluted down to the level where fluoride ion is at 1 ppm. Thallium has a molecular weight of 204. At the concentration of .06 ppb in water, the calculation of the number of atoms of thallium in a liter of water is as follows: Start with .06 ppb or .00000000006 or .06 x 10-9 grams of thallium in a gram of fluoridated water. Divide that by the atomic number of thallium, which is 204: .06 x 10-9 divided by 204 = .00029 x 10-9 or 2.9 x 10-13, which is the moles of thallium in a liter of water. Multiply 2.9 x 10-13 x Avagadro’s number, 6.02 x 1023 = 17.46 x 1010 or 174,600,000,000. That is 174.6 billion atoms of thallium per liter of tap water fluoridated at 1.0 ppm fluoride ion.

Many of the isotopes of thallium are radioactive. NSF admits in its letter written in 2000 that the radionuclides in so-called fluorosilicic acid give off as much as .6 millirems of beta rays per year. Presumably these beta rays are coming from the thallium, although according to environmental journalist George Glasser, when the price of uranium was higher, the ore which phosphate comes from has been used as a source of commercial amounts of uranium. So there may be other radionuclides in the fluoridation materials which might contribute to this total, including uranium and polonium, according to Glasser. He says:

“In a classic beta decay a neutron [gives off an electron and becomes positive and] turns into a proton, and a beta particle (electron) and an anti-neutrino are ejected from the nucleus.”

This amount of radiation approaching you from outside your body would not even penetrate your skin. However, once a thallium atom becomes part of the body, it is inside cells and only Angstrom units away from DNA molecules. There is no safe level of ingested radioactivity.



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