
PO Box 2276, Lynnwood, Washington  98036-2276
Telephone 425-771-1110, Fax 425-776-8081

January 26, 2012


Governor Christine Gregoire
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002

Dear Governor Gregoire,


I am writing to you to point out violations of law which I believe are taking place on a continuing basis. The industrial grade fluoridation materials added to our drinking water cause harm and are ineffectual to protect teeth. I ask that you investigate these violations and take appropriate action.


I recommend that start by listening to our presentation to the Seattle City Attorney’s office on January 9, which is found at this link:


For a broad overview of how to apply the scientific issues related to up with the legal issues, follow this link to the letter I wrote to Jenny Durkin, the US Attorney:


To get the story of how this violation of law got started and why it has persisted, follow this link:


I am also including two letters addressed to HHS and EPA on the subject.


I ask you to honor your oath of office and your code of ethics as an attorney to see that the wrongs I outline are righted.


Note: I write for and represent only Fluoride Class Action and myself.





James Robert Deal, Attorney

WSBA Number 8103