When parents consume so-called fluoride (which contains lead and leaches from pipes) this has a negative impact on the developing embryo and fetus and can result in early embryo and fetal death, miscarriage, stillbirth, lower IQ, and a general reduction in reproductive success – as discussed below.
Some 90% of fluoridation is done with fluorosilicic acid – which contains not only fluoride ion but also silicic acid, lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, selenium, barium, and thallium, which is slightly radioactive. These contaminants may be as harmful to the growing fetus as is the fluoride ion itself. See https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/what-is-in-it. A Harvard School of Public Health study concludes:
“[C]hildren in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. Subgroup and sensitivity analyses also indicated inverse associations, although the substantial heterogeneity did not appear to decrease. … The results support the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment. Future research should include detailed individual-level information on prenatal exposure, neurobehavioral performance, and covariates for adjustment.
A review of the Harvard study says:
“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain,” Grandjean [senior author of the Harvard Study] says. “The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us”.
In 2006 the National Research Council released its study entitled “Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards”. This book is available free online. Simply run a Google search for “NRC 2006 Fluoride”. It says: “A decreased fertility rate was associated with increasing fluoride concentrations. … Fluoride readily crosses the placenta. … Therefore, potential toxicity to the developing embryo and fetus in the setting of high maternal ingestion of fluoride has been a concern evaluated in both animal and humans. In 1995 Dr. Phyllis Mullinex, a former Harvard professor, and one of the authors of the NRC 2006 Fluoride report, released an experimental report which was published in Neurotoxicology and Teratology. She gave fluoride to pregnant females and newborns. There was a measurable negative effect on both. The adult rats became more lethargic and were affected cognitively, while newborns were more hyperactive and affected cognitively. Dr. Mullinex was later asked to advise the US Army as to whether it should fluoridate the drinking water at Fort Detrick. She said: “[M]y opinion is that there are no advantages to water fluoridation. The risks today far exceed the hoped for benefit. Dr. Paul Connett, Ph.D., president of Fluoride Alert, says:
“Fluoride ion interferes with DNA repair in both cell and tissue studies. … In addition to cell and tissue studies, a correlation between fluoride exposure and chromosome damage in humans has also been reported. … There also is concern about the genotoxicity of fluoride and its possible role in the cause of increased levels of infant mortality and Down’s Syndrome births. … In the 1970s, Dr. Albert Schatz reported that the artificial fluoridation of drinking water in Latin American countries was associated with increased rates of infant mortality and deaths due to congenital malformation. As long ago as the 1950s, Dr. Ionel Rapaport published studies showing links between Down’s Syndrome and natural fluoridation.”
Dr. Albert Schatz is a Nobel prize laureate and the discoverer of streptomycin. He declares that fluoridation is the greatest fraud in the world against the greatest number of people. Dr. Schatz “… found that water fluoridation in Latin America was linked to higher rates of infant mortality and deaths resulting from congenital malformation”. If fluoride ion interferes with DNA repair in children and adults, then because it readily passes through the placenta, it can be assumed that it will do the same within the growing embryo and fetus.
Dr. AK Susheela, fluoride expert in India reported in a 2010 study in Current Science that fluoride avoidance reduced anemia in pregnant women, decreased pre-term births, and enhanced babies’ birth-weight. Researchers from the State University of New York reported at a 2009 meeting of the American Public Health Association in Philadelphia that their study had found more premature births in fluoridated than in non-fluoridated upstate New York communities.
Dr. Richard Sauerheber, PhD, cites detailed studies which demonstrate harm to offspring in mammals, particularly to various regions of the brain, which are exposed to blood fluoride levels typical in humans drinking water fluoridated at 1.0 ppm. He points out that Adams and Holland report in Pharmacology for Nurses, A Pathophysiologic Approach (Pearson Publishing, Boston, MA, 2011, p. 66) that fluoride added into water intended to be consumed by pregnant women has an FDA Pregnancy Category Rating X. This is because fluoride added to water has been found in controlled or observational studies done on animals to be causally connected with fetal abnormality. Substances with an X rating have no indication for use in pregnancy, and yet fluoridated water is widely consumed by pregnant women in the U.S. The FDA in 1966 banned the sale of fluoride vitamin supplements and prescriptions intended for prenatal use.
Dr. Joseph Mercola says that “past research, too, has shown that fluoride has potentially disastrous effects on the male reproductive system”.
The FDA issued a letter ruling in 1963, which it has not withdrawn, that fluoride is not a mineral nutrient, but a drug, that it is not essential to health, and that no minimum daily requirement as been determined.
Many ask why the FDA has not acted to ban fluoridation. It is because the FDA, like other federal agencies are strongly influenced by the industries they regulate. While EPA administrators support fluoridation, some 1,500 EPA scientists oppose it.
The Everett Water District dumps around 250 gallons of this unfiltered and unrefined fluorosilicic acid scrubber liquor into Snohomish County drinking water every day. See a typical certificate of analysis, which admits the presence of lead and arsenic.
Fluorosilicic acid not only contains lead, it is an effective lead solvent. There is lead in most plumbing. Even in new homes there is 8% lead in the typical water faucet (except in California which has stricter standards). Homes with copper pipes are typically soldered with copper-lead solder. In older homes pipes can be up to 30% lead. Old service lines running out to the water main in the street usually contain lead. In 2004 lead in Seattle schools was measured at up to 1,600 ppb, which is 1.6 ppm, an extremely high level. See https://www.fluoride-class-action.com/lead. Lead has a negative effect on the developing fetus. A 2006 article in Environmental Health Perspectives says: “Fetal lead exposure has an adverse effect on neurodevelopment, with an effect that may be most pronounced during the first trimester and best captured by measuring lead in either maternal plasma or whole blood”.
Fluoride has been transformed through marketing propaganda into an elixir which makes teeth strong, but no one makes any positive claims regarding lead. It may be that the lead leached by the fluorosilicic acid is a bigger problem than the fluorosilicic acid itself. The EPA maintains a document known as “Building a Database of Developmental Neurotoxicants”, a list of “chemicals with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity”. That document states: “EPA’s program for the screening and prioritization of chemicals for developmental neurotoxicity makes it essential to assemble a list of chemicals that are toxic to the developing mammalian nervous system.” Fluoride, lead, and arsenic are on this list.
I have talked at length with Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. She reports to me that Atlanta women who had never had trouble getting pregnant started having trouble getting pregnant and started having more miscarriages as soon as Atlanta fluoridated its drinking water.
Would-be parents should also avoid fluoridated toothpaste and fluoridated mouthwash. The fluoride ion content of fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash is extremely high, typically around 1,500 ppm. Much fluoride ion is absorbed through mouth tissues. Fluoride adheres loosely to teeth in the form of calcium fluoride clumps, but these wash off and are swallowed when any acidic food or beverage is consumed. Parents who visit the dentist they should decline fluoride gel treatments as well. The fluoride concentration is up to 5,000 ppm.
Read a proposal to a world-famous fertility clinic which is considering running a study to confirm whether parents who have had trouble conceiving are more successful if they avoid fluoridated water and fluoridated products. See: www.Fluoride-Class-Action.com/Reproduction.
For more background information regarding drinking water fluoridation follow this link: www.Fluoride-Class-Action.com/Portland and also this link: www.Fluoride-Class-Action.com/Inauguration.
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James Robert Deal, Attorney President of Fluoride Class Action. 425-771-1110