Fluoridation and Salmon

Fluoridation and Salmon

Research Review IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL FLUORIDATION ON SALMON SPECIES IN THE NORTHWEST USA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Fluoride Vol.27 No.4 220-226 1994 (reprinted with permission) Presented at the XXth Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research,...

Washington to ban copper in brakes to protect salmon

But Washington will continue to allow dumping of fluorosilicic acid into our rivers. To salmon fluoride stinks. *** SEATTLE (AP) — Manufacturers of brake pads are gearing up to meet a first-in-the-nation Washington state law requiring they phase out the use of copper...
Columbia River Salmon Crash

Columbia River Salmon Crash

9-9-12 Dear Mayor Adams, To salmon, fluoride stinks. In 1982 a salmon collapse occurred on the Columbia, because fluoride at only 0.5 ppm from discharges by an aluminum smelter caused salmon brain to be narcotized. This is why the Oregon Legislature rejected a bill...